The mind and body are not just connected.
They are inseparable—like the two sides of a coin.
Your mind controls or influences everything in your body. Distress in your mind inevitably results in stress and tension within your body.
Likewise, every insult to your body affects your mind. You can’t be sick or injured without it having an emotional impact. Postural imbalances, pain and tension in your body strongly influence your mood and how you think.
Also each muscle and nerve cell, and virtually every structure in your body, is physically connected to everything else via fibrous tissue called fascia. It's the web that assembles your body into a type of interconnected, interrelated structure Buckminster Fuller named "tensegrity".
Mind-Body Release attends to all these connections and relationships, restoring harmony in mind and body.
Call or text Neil at (310) 413‑8170 or email